Retargeting an audience is challenging, creative and can be fraught with potholes and road blocks. When your marketing strategy involves retargeting customers, you have multiple options. In most cases, your success is heavily dependent on your retargeting campaign ads and approach.
Focusing on retargeting can spearhead a successful marketing campaign with a new demographic customer base. Sometimes, trial and error is the best way to attack this issue. However, you must try to minimize the error part of the equation, as it can become costly. Consider one or more of these relatively simple tips to improve your retargeting ads.
Retargeting Campaign Ad Tips
- Combat banner blindness whenever possible. Because of the overuse of banners, most people ignore ad banners. There are two good ways to defeat this. First, create an outstanding banner that looks better than normal. Using pictures of attractive people, cute animals and some combination of the magic words free and sale will get the results you want. Second, create a banner that doesn’t appear to be a banner. Have it blend and match your site design, or the focus of the site on which you place it. Try to make it innocuous, but effective. Our eyes skip over ads that don’t blend in, so by camouflaging your ads, you’ll get more people to read them.
- Create different ad sizes. Depending on your ad placement, you may be restricted. Creating effective ads in different sizes gives you flexibility to choose sites that deliver for you, without the need for constant redesign.
- Test and measure. Until you find the ads that consistently work for you, test different creations and carefully measure your results. In a short time, you’ll know which ads work and which don’t deliver the results you want. Your target audience will tell you, by their actions, which ads are reaching them.
- Keep your site visual and filled with quality content. There is no substitute for outstanding content and graphics. Whether your ads depend on superior text or graphics, get the best you can afford. Your return on investment will far outweigh the cost of high quality content. You won’t even remember the cost; you will remember the quality, increased revenues and strong profits.
- Pay close attention to your landing pages. Don’t blame a network or referral site for a website that needs an overhaul. Your landing page should focus on your visitors to appeal to your retargeted audience. Your ads should be as personal as you can make them. Prominently display your shopping cart and checkout buttons. Retargeting ads should be different from your former offerings, particularly if you’re remarketing to a different demographic.
Be creative. If trial and error is the best choice, go for it. Closely measure your results to quickly find the most effective ads to reach your new audience. There is no one size fits all ad or solution. These tips are purposely general as your creativity and knowledge of your market and products are specific to your industry and only others in your niche can give you the details. Adopting some of these tips, however, will help generate the results you want.