Whether you are thinking of starting an LLC or you already have one, you need to know how to run your business wisely and small business apps can help. You have to execute strategies that will help you succeed. To help you stand out against your competition, here are a few tips you can consider:..
When you first formed your LLC, you may have been the sole owner of the company. Perhaps, at most, there were a few other members who you worked alongside to get your project up and running. But now that your business is successful, it’s time to consider hiring employees. As a young entrepreneur, you may..
As a young entrepreneur who has recently formed your first company, you may be learning about various business aspects on the fly. Fortunately, we’re here for you, providing you a breakdown of some of the aspects most critical to running a company. Today, we’ll take a look whether it’s necessary for LLC owners to provide..
Hiring your first employee can be incredibly overwhelming. You’ve made the decision that you need additional help, and perhaps outsourcing to freelancers just isn’t enough any longer. But, knowing you are responsible for someone else’s livelihood can certainly be enough to keep you awake at night. That’s why it’s exceedingly important that you’ve explored everything..
Is your company experiencing high employee turnover? Here are a few tips to reduce employee turnover. Simply put, employee turnover is what happens when you lose some staff and hire their replacements. As many as 50 percent of all employees leave a job within two years and 25 percent leave within the first six months…
As a business owner, you know the importance of keeping your employees, especially the top ones, happy and wanting to return to work each day. It’s important for any business owner, manager or human resources team to understand how to identify top employees. It’s also equally important to understand and be able to implement a..
You’ve done all you can to grow your business and now you’re seeing the fruits of your labor. You are getting more calls and your employees are getting busier. There was a time in the not so distant past that you were struggling to find things to do – now the obverse is happening –..
June, also known as National Safety Month, is quickly approaching. If you own or manage a business, now is the time to start planning safety training sessions, equipment upgrades and employee education classets to make your office a safer place. Read on for a breakdown of the month’s four weekly themes and some ideas about..
Successful business owners understand that investing in the job satisfaction of their employees is the same thing as investing in their business. When employees feel content at work, they perform better, have less absenteeism and develop a sense of loyalty to the company. What kind of extras does it take to keep employees happy? Obviously,..
Drunk at the Christmas Party? You could wind up dead — or worse!!! Organizing a company holiday party requires diplomacy, planning and skill. It’s also challenging to create a festive atmosphere that balances professional behavior with casual party mode. Here are several rules for HR politics to keep in mind when planning an enjoyable and..