There was a time in American business when entrepreneurial spirit was enough to ensure profitability and vitality. In the 21st century, however, companies know that in order to remain a step ahead of the competition they need to be innovative, smart and have their fingers on the pulse of modern trends. Improving company focus and increasing..

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Human resources may not be what you actually consider them to be. If you’re an employee of a business, you likely think of human resources as the department that helped hire you, runs payroll and deals with any conflict within the office. On the other hand, if you’re a business owner, your human resources are all..

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$8,606 – that’s the cost of turnover for the average employee according to a study by human resource management expert Dr. Wayne Cascio. His study details the price tags on separation, replacement and training of the new employee. Recently, many experts have begun to suggest the expense of replacing staff can be as costly as three times the original..

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Hiring employees has come a long way since the days of sifting through paper applications, calling back the most promising applicants and setting aside hours to verify information on a résumé. Fortunately, more employers are taking advantage of social media, online tools and innovative software programs that make the hiring process easier and more efficient..

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In a world where people have instant online access to information, whether for personal or professional use, too many companies are still running their payroll manually. Doing so takes up precious resources, wastes money and makes the task more difficult than it needs to be. With all the available technology, some businesses are still using..

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Hiring new employees has come a long way since the days of sifting through paper applications, calling back the most promising applicants and setting aside hours to verify information on a résumé. Fortunately, more employers are taking advantage of social media, online tools and innovative software programs that make the hiring process easier and more..

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Go green in the office can serve your business in many ways. For one, you’re showing both employees and clientele that you believe in the importance of sustainability. Secondly, you are likely to save money because reusable materials are more cost effective than disposable items. Take a close look at each area of your office..

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Unlike some veteran employees who have already spent several years in the workforce, recent college graduates tend to have extremely positive attitudes and high levels of motivation. This ambition and drive is necessary to help the graduate find a job in an increasingly competitive market. When a recent graduate finally lands his dream job, he..

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A 360 feedback survey is a great way to help out employees that participate together in a business. In a 360 degree survey, feedback is offered by all those individuals and fellow employees that surround that particular employee. It’s as though the employee is in the middle of a circle and that circle around them..

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There’s a good reason why Mother Nature was named Mother Nature and not Father Nature. The fact is that as a species, women tend to be much more nurturing, caring, and aware of their environment. Most women seem naturally equipped to take care of and nurture their newborn and the nurturing sentiment seems to be..

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