A limited liability company, or LLC, is the same no matter the state. Once an LLC has been registered, the way it operates and handles taxes follows similar general guidelines. However, the exact way an LLC operates, and the details of its financing, differ from one state to the next. This means that details like..
A business may be dissolved for several reasons. These reasons may include falling out of compliance with state regulations, or even personal circumstances such as illness or retirement. But even after a business has been dissolved by the state, there are some circumstances that make it possible to return through “Business Reinstatement.” One crucial role..
Corporate compliance is important for every business. Any company that falls out of compliance loses its good standing status in that state. If that goes on for too long, the state has the authority to dissolve the business, so knowing what regulations to follow is crucial. However, the corporate compliance basics involve more than just..
Most entrepreneurs starting up a small business are concerned with the day-to-day operations and, of course, staying profitable. However, corporate compliance is an important aspect of any business that may require a bit more time and investment. Here’s why it matters. What Is Corporate Compliance? As the name suggests, corporate compliance refers to the actions..
A business owner can’t just put a “closed” sign on the door and be legally considered out of business. Owners must take a legal and administrative step known as “business dissolution.” Sometimes this may even be forced on a company by local authorities. Here’s how to do it and restart it, known as business reinstatement…
When a business grows, in some cases, they don’t just get bigger – they also change classifications. Moving from one business category to another is called business conversions, and this is when business owners should consider conversion for their operations. Corporate Structure Business registration filing is required for every business. It identifies the type of..
If a company conducts some of its business in another state, it may be free and legal. However, if the amount of business done crosses a certain threshold, things change. The state, or states, may decide a business is running within the state, requiring authorization in the form of “foreign qualification.” Here is when a..
A certificate of authority or foreign qualification is required to run a business in another state in order to operate legally across state lines. What happens if this is ignored and business is conducted across state lines anyway? Legally Certified If a business owner makes the occasional business deal in another state, this does not..
Taxes affect businesses at the local, state, and federal levels. There are a number of rules to keep track of, but for the LLC to remain in corporate compliance, learning them is essential. These tips help companies ensure they remain in good standing. Understand Payroll If a company hires employees, this first tip is critical…
A sole proprietorship has many advantages in terms of simplicity, making it easy for one person to start their own business. However, it’s also possible for even a company of one person to form a limited liability company or LLC. There are numerous reasons for a business conversion. You’re Hiring More People Both LLCs and..