One of the things that can affect a business’s reputation is its standing. But why is this “good standing” status important for corporate compliance, and why would a company lose it? Official State Status A state will usually issue a certificate of good standing as proof that a business has this status. Depending on the..

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There may come a time when a business owner decides that it’s time to expand. While opening up new offices or outlets in the same state is quite simple there are extra steps needed in order to open your business in outside states. The same name and identification can be used; however, businesses must be..

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A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure that protects the owners from being personally responsible for debts and liabilities. They create a legal and financial separation that protects the owners. The advantages of an LLC make this a popular structure for all types of businesses. However, there is more than one type of..

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If you’re starting a business for the first time, forming a limited liability company (or LLC) is one way to begin your journey. LLCs are a necessity for larger companies, but even a small business owner/operator can benefit from the financial protections of being a single-member limited liability company. If you’re interested in LLC formation,..

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Corporate compliance keeps your business active and in good standing with the government. When you are not in compliance, you can face fees, lawsuits, and damage to your business. Compliance regulations may differ from company to company but if you are not in compliance you may not be allowed to continue operations in your state…

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A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure that separates its owners from the business. This structure allows business owners to maintain control of the business while avoiding personal liability for business debts. To form an LLC, you need to file paperwork with the state where your business is located. The process of filing..

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Whether your small business has become inactive or is in bad standing with the state, you can usually have it reinstated. Reinstatement is the process where you resolve any outstanding business compliance issues with your state. Once the reinstatement process is completed, your business will be active and in good standing. The reinstatement process varies..

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The most successful businesses are built on trust, whether the trust of individual customers coming in to purchase a product or service or clients who have enjoyed a certain level of quality and keep coming back to a proven reliable business. However, this trust, while built on the reputation and practices of the companies, is..

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